Trust & Board of Directors
(Abirami Charitable Trust)Sree Abirami Charitable trust was formed in the year 1996 with strong ideas to provide quality health care to humanity, by means of providing quality education.
The Founder of the Trust Dr. P.Periyaswamy,MS.,MCH(urology) ., and Dr. Kunthavi devi,DGO., with their vast exposure and rich experience in the field of Health care in India and Abroad conceived the idea of establishing educational institutions on par with the developed countries.
The world class infrastructural, meticulous planning, continuous guidance and constant encouragement of our Chairpersons have evolved the Trust and its associated institutions as one of the reputed group in the state.
Sree Abirami Institutions
(a unit of Abirami Charitable Trust)
Sree Abirami college of Occupational Therapy was established in the year 2021 by the two eminent doctors Dr. P. Periyaswamy,MS.,Mch (urology)., Dr. M. Kunthavidevi,DGO., with the aim to provide quality learning in all spheres of higher education and develop skilled professionals for various sectors of health care in particular to the rural, semi urban and urban areas of the nation in the view to stretch our curable hands to restore the lives of dependent ones and fulfill the societal needs in the global context.
The college is attached to 350 bed multi disciplinary speciality hospital with advanced clinical set- up. The department of physical medicine & rehabilitation is equipped with modern facilities for providing training to our students.
Approvals & Recognitions
The college has been approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu and affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
Philosophy of Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy relies on a philosophy and vision to guide the profession. Core Philosophical AssumptionsHumans are occupational beings: Humans need occupations in order to survive, develop, and be healthy and well.
Humans are interconnected with environments: Humans can be understood in the context of their environments, and therefore environments must be taken into consideration.
Human transformation comes from actions and environments: Humans continuously change over time based on their actions and the changes within their environments. Health is seen as a changing state of meaning, satisfaction, well-being, and quality of life.
Vision of Occupational Therapy
The vision of occupational therapy is based on the belief that therapeutic occupations can improve illness and restore or preserve health. This vision includes a practice that is:Occupation-based: Occupational therapists focus on what an individual wants, needs, or is expected to do, and uses activities as interventions. The focus is on occupational performance issues and experiences, which incorporates the idea that humans are dynamic occupational beings who are interconnected with their environments.
Client-centered: Occupational therapists collaborate with individuals to understand their development over time, and to explore occupations and environments that have been meaningful and engaging. These occupations may serve as therapeutic experiences. This is often referred to as client-centered, or person-centered, practice because it focuses on the relationship and individual needs, rather than solely on the expertise of the professional.
Contextual: Occupational therapists see individuals as linked with their environments through occupation, meanings, roles, and routines. This can impact the transfer of skills to different environments. All environments must be considered, including where services are received and where the individual lives.
Evidence-based: While occupational therapists learn a variety of content in their education, the focus is on the understanding of occupations. The use of this knowledge is dependent on the individual and situation; thus occupational therapists must have the ability to integrate knowledge and evidence needed for each setting. This includes the integration of new research as it develops and evolves in practice